I wonder sometimes if the original owners of the things we find would have a kitten if they saw what we do to them. An industrial workbench becomes a kitchen island, a buffet becomes a bathroom vanity, a door becomes a headboard. A toolbox gets painted pretty and becomes a supply tote or a flower box. JR and I will often, when we're out picking in a basement or attic, flea market or antique fair, debate about who gets the "thing." He wants it for it's intended purpose and I want to completely repurpose.
It reminds me of a story. Several years ago, when we first opened the shop, we had some really cool metal hardware drawer cabinets. You know...the kind that actually used to hold hardware? A customer came in and purchased a piece for her husband for Christmas. I was excited AND intrigued.
" Oh! what will he use if for?"
I'm thinking what a great piece for a stamp collection or miniature model parts or small ink bottles, vintage game pieces and butter pats
She looked at me with astonishment. "Well, for nuts and bolts and screws, I guess!"
That burst my vintage loving bubble, but I was happy that she very much appreciated the quality of such a fine old set of metal drawers.

I've collected tool boxes for a loooonggg time. And I've been know to paint them and add a little something to them. I love the utilitarian function, the sturdiness and the fact that they can be used for SO many things!
Lately, I've been into decorating them with IOD transfer pieces and Fusion Mineral Paint.

With the swipe of a brush and a few carefully placed transfers, you can transform these simple old boxes into this:
I get so excited about the possibilities of turning a simple, tossed out thing into something very unexpected and charming. Wouldn't you love to create something like this?
Find out how i did it here on You Tube!